The International Conference for Urban Drainage is being held this week in Melbourne and Microburst Software are proud to be a supporter.
It is perhaps the premier research conference for all things stormwater. Researchers and industry professionals from around the world will present the latest thinking, research outcomes and learnings from projects so it is not to be missed.
It is well recognised that stormwater flow volumes must be managed to protect our waterways. This year the EPA in Victoria introduced new guidance reflecting this and NSW are also moving towards managing stormwater volumes. To achieve these, it is essential that we know how various green infrastructure can perform.
One of our directors, Dale Browne, will be presenting at the conference on a global review of the performance of biofilters and green roofs for reducing stormwater volumes. The overall picture is promising, demonstrating good potential while the range of results indicate that both context (climate and soils) and design play a role in achieving good performance.
Other highlights include presentations on detecting SARS-COVID-19 in wastewater, real time control of drainage and WSUD, outcomes from long-term monitoring of WSUD assets and new insights into how WSUD assets such as biofilters work.
If you are interested in joining the ICUD2021, it is not too late - due to COVID-19 it has transitioned online. It's cheap and it's easy to register